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About Us

We are the Duchy of Chesapeake, a Northeastern Chapter of the Adrian Empire located in Maryland


We are a Non-Profit teaching and medieval re-creation organization with chapters all over the United States and Canada. We bring to life the time periods from 793-1625 AD.


We are rapidly growing in numbers at the moment and encourage you to join us for feasting, fighting, archery, and arts and sciences of the times. Our chapter is governed by Duchess Dame Daniella Vadim and Sir Kerrigan D' Wenseslaus.


We meet once each month, at the Hammerman Area of Gunpowder State Park. Opening Court begins at 11:am. Map and directions are available on the contact page.


***We are available for demonstrations and classes in a variety of different topics. 


If you are interested in having us do a demonstration for you please use the contact button at the top of the page.

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