The Duchy of Chesapeake
Ministry service is the administrative side that holds Adria together. Adrian ministers take sign-ins, track member progress, monitor combat for safety issues, review arts and sciences projects, and prepare the national newsletter just to scratch the surface. If you want to help track or process information behind the scenes or even wear a crown and be the face of a region or the Empire itself, ministry service is for you. Just talk to someone doing a job and offer to help and they should be able to point you in the right direction.
Duchess Dame Rhanwen Grypernicus - Ruling Co-crown of the Duchy
Duke Bjorn - Ruling Co-Crown of the Duchy
Archery - Sir Littlejohn
Arts and Sciences - Baroness Asheen Wyld
Chancellor - Lord Erik
Children's Activities - Dame Toni
Deputy of Children's Activities - Dame Rhanwen Grypernicus
Hospitaler - Baroness Asheen Wyld
War and Joust - Sir Duvidicus Grypernicus
Rolls and Lists - Don Maren
Deputy of Rolls - Sir Duvidicus Grypernicus
Sovereign of Arms - Barone Francesco Gaetano Greco D' Edessa
Steward - Lady Tuathflaith ingen hui Chleirigh
Webmaster - Don Maren Pagano